Thursday, October 3, 2013

Mr. President Tear Down This Wall

The second day of the Democrats’ government shutdown brought with it another day of World War II veterans “storming” the barricades and fences set up to keep them out of the World War II Memorial.

There will be 23 more Honor Flights during the month of October and the possibility of 23 more confrontations with Park Police and fake protesters.

It’s no coincidence that the National Parks Service released this statement yesterday:
"The Honor Flights are being granted access to the WWII memorial to conduct First Amendment activities in accordance with National Park Service regulations applicable to the National Mall and Memorial Parks."
What brought about this reversal of abuse of our treasured veterans who waited 65 years for their own memorial on the National Mall?

A team of legal experts at The American Center for Law and Justice led by Jay Sekulow and Robert W. Ash warned the president, “Should the closure of the memorial continue, we will be obligated to file a federal lawsuit seeking an injunction against the government.”

Their letter, delivered to the White House via oversight service, said the “Greatest Generation” as represented by the veterans who were scheduled to visit the memorial, and who actually moved the barricades and tore down barriers erected by workers on the orders of the administration, “stepped forward during some of the darkest days of our history and placed themselves in harm’s way to protect the country they loved and our way of life.”

“Veterans of the Second World War are dying at the rate of approximately 640 per day. In order to allow veterans to see the memorial that was erected in their honor, Honor Flights have been organized to bring interested veterans to Washington to see the memorial that was erected to honor them,” the attorneys explained.

“Whoever in your administration made that decision exercised extremely poor judgment and should be admonished.”

“What we are witnessing is a disturbing violation of the First Amendment rights of our nation’s heroes,” said Jay Sekulow, chief counsel of the ACLJ. “By spending money to bring in barricades to attempt to shut-down an open-air memorial is abhorrent and deeply insulting to WWII vets who defended the very freedoms that are now threatened by the Obama administration’s actions.”

The issue of the closure of the World War II memorial took over headlines nationwide on Wednesday, just a day after the first confrontation developed.

Additionally, Rep. Steven Palazzo (R-MS) issued this terse warning:
“With due respect, Mr. President, we demand: First, that the World War II memorial be reopened immediately for all veterans, their families, and the public to honor and recognize the courage and achievement of those who fought to keep us free; Second, that the memorial be opened once again for First Amendment expressive activity by all members of the public; Third, that the barricades be taken down and removed forthwith; and Fourth, that you issue a personal apology on behalf of your administration to the veterans and their families who have been affected by the current closure.”
As was reported yesterday, the closure of the memorial was deliberately ordered by this administration.  A despicable act to say the least and was clearly politically motivated. 

Shame on The World’s Most Dangerous Community Organizer who daily spits in the faces of active duty military service members and veterans.

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