Sunday, June 8, 2014

Obama’s Gitmo Dream. America’s Nightmare.

I have held my tongue throughout the Bowe Bergdahl calamity.  There is a shitstorm brewing. 

Placing his political agenda above the lives of those Americans who are going to be killed in Afghanistan by these freed Gitmo detainees. Placing his political agenda above the lives of those Americans who were killed searching for the traitor and deserter Bergdahl. Placing his political agenda yet again above national security. One might almost get the idea that part of his political agenda is to weaken U.S. national security.
Obama ignored chances to rescue Bergdahl on the ground because he WANTED a terror trade to help close down Guantanamo Bay…
Terror came to America once then again in Boston.  This president has set the alarm on an unforgiving clock.  One year from now, or sooner, the battlefield against terror will widen.  May God have mercy on us all.
I cannot describe my outrage.  Instead, a picture is worth a thousand of my words.

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