Sunday, November 2, 2014

Harry Reid Squealing Like A Piggy

The Drudge Report had a blaring red headline on its website proclaiming “Joni Takes 7 Point Lead” and linked to The Des Moines Register bearing an almost identical headline.

News of Ernst’s sizeable lead over Democrat Bruce Braley has sent Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid squealing like a piggy in desperation—a kind of flop sweat you get when you realize you’re in peril.

Politico’s Burgess Everett (I refuse to link) reported that Reid held a conference call on Saturday with the Progressive Change Campaign Committee and Roll Call shared some of what Reid said during the call. 
“If we win Iowa, we’re going to do just fine,” Reid told the liberal activists. “Iowa is a key in what we do. You know, we’re doing really quite well now in New Hampshire. I think we’re going to win in North Carolina. I’m not going to go through all the races. Iowa is critical. There’s no other way to say it.” 
“What Joni Ernst would mean, coming to the United States Senate, is that Mitch McConnell would be the leader of the Senate, someone who agrees with her on virtually everything. Think what that would mean to our country.” 
Did Dingy Harry unwittingly give Minority Leader McConnell something to smile about?

With just two days left before America’s voice is heard, we are witnessing a complete unraveling of the progressive agenda.  Democrats across the board have put their loyalty to The World’s Most Dangerous Community Organizer above their duty to America and voters, it would appear, are ready to give Republicans control of both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

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