Friday, December 4, 2015

The Twelve Gifts of Obama

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(to the tune of ""The Twelve Gifts of Christmas"")
On the first day of Christmas Obama gave to me: 18 Trillion dollars in debt.

On the second day of Christmas Obama gave to me: two part-time jobs and 18 Trillion dollars in debt.

On the third day of Christmas Obama gave to me three taps on my phone, two part-time jobs and 18 Trillion dollars in debt.

On the fourth day of Christmas Obama gave to me: Four IRS audits, three phone taps, two part-time jobs and 18 Trillion dollars in debt.

On the fifth day of Christmas Obama gave to me: Five cancelled plans of insurance, Four IRS audits, three phone taps, two part-time jobs and 18 Trillion dollars in debt.

On the sixth day of Christmas Obama gave to me: Six Constitutional crises, Five cancelled plans of insurance, Four IRS audits, three phone taps, two part-time jobs and 18 Trillion dollars in debt.

On the seventh day of Christmas Obama gave to me: Seven biased judges, Six Constitutional crises, Five cancelled plans of insurance, Four IRS audits, three phone taps, two part-time jobs and 18 Trillion dollars in debt.

On the eighth day of Christmas Obama gave to me: Eight pious lectures, Seven biased judges, Six Constitutional crises, Five cancelled plans of insurance, Four IRS audits, three phone taps, two part-time jobs and 18 Trillion dollars in debt.

On the ninth day of Christmas Obama gave to me: Nine Gitmo prisoners, Eight pious lectures, Seven biased judges, Six Constitutional crises, Five cancelled plans of insurance, Four IRS audits, three phone taps, two part-time jobs and 18 Trillion dollars in debt.

On the tenth day of Christmas Obama gave to me: Ten Executive Orders, Nine Gitmo prisoners, Eight pious lectures, Seven biased judges, Six Constitutional crises, Five cancelled plans of insurance, Four IRS audits, three phone taps, two part-time jobs and 18 Trillion dollars in debt.

On the eleventh day of Christmas Obama gave to me: Eleven Czars a' czaring, Ten Executive Orders, Nine Gitmo prisoners, Eight pious lectures, Seven biased judges, Six Constitutional crises, Five cancelled plans of insurance, Four IRS audits, three phone taps, two part-time jobs and 18 Trillion dollars in debt.

On the twelfth day of Christmas Obama gave to me: Twelve lame excuses, Eleven Czars a' czaring, Ten Executive Orders, Nine Gitmo prisoners, Eight pious lectures, Seven biased judges, Six Constitutional crises, Five cancelled plans of insurance, Four IRS audits, three phone taps, two part-time jobs and 18 Trillion dollars in debt.
Merry Christmas, everyone! And just remember: with the NSA, he sees you when you're sleeping.  He knows when you're awake. He knows if you've been bad or good. So be good, or else!

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