Saturday, January 2, 2016

Doing The “Snoopy Happy Dance”

I was awakened around 3:30 AM by my little furkid Sophie The Wonderdog who was barking her head off at something outside.  Once I discovered the source of her alarm (the wind had blown down a decayed tree limb and landed near my back door), I was unable to go back to sleep.
I jumped on the computer and shortly thereafter received an email from Diogenes informing me that this little, teeny, weenie blog had been honored as an inductee into the 2016 DMF “Snark Hall of Fame”.  The email warned:  We apologize in advance for any embarrassment and/or loss of reputation resulting from this award.
The 2016 inductees are Dianny of Patriot Retort and this site.  Patriot Retort “has quickly gained readership and a loyal following as she slashes her way through progressive thought with an excellent satirical slant and conservative opinion. Dianny is a self-published writer and author, whose witty graphics are always well done, on target and makes you think, and laugh. You can find her work just about anywhere you go in the conservative blogosphere, including such prestigious pages as The American Thinker and IOTWReport.  She works diligently to present original content with Dianny's own northeastern brand of snark and satire.
Diogenes continues, “Our second inductee this year is long overdue for an award and recognition. One must look past the fact that for one week every year, this inductee and I are playful bitter rivals, gazing down the 50-yard line across opposite sidelines. Thankfully, the rest of the year we are friends, blog sisters and fellow patriots. Known to her readers for her ever-changing unique banners reflecting the mood and news of the times, to the biting right jabs to the jaw of the political left, her graphic work is always crisply satirical, spot on and as professional looking as can be found anywhere on the Internet.”
I’m having trouble coming up with the right mix of words to express my gratitude to Diogenes for her kind words and the distinct honor of being inducted into this year’s “Snark Hall of Fame”. 
The honor must be shared with co-blogger Proof who joined me in January 2014 and the Grunt of Monte Cristo who came on board in November of 2015.  We appreciate everyone who visits here with their thoughtful or witty comments, suggestions, criticisms and encouragement.
It is our hope that 2016 brings all the promise and joy you richly deserve.  Thanks again to Diogenes’ for honoring us with her recognition of the labor of love this blog represents.

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