Thursday, March 24, 2016

Don’t Worry World Obama’s Taking The Scourge Of ISIS Seriously

On Wednesday evening, The World’s Most Dangerous Community Organizer danced the tango at a state dinner in Argentina.

A bipartisan condemnation of the optics erupted immediately.  The consensus was baseball games and tangos are inconsistent with the seriousness of the day in which 31 people were killed and 270 were injured in bomb blasts that rocked Brussels.

There were mothers lying dead while their family members were grieving at the crime scene and this devastating attack barely got a minute of Obama’s attention while visiting the tyrannical communist country of Cuba.

US State Department Deputy spokesman Mark Toner said in a statement, "At this time, we are not aware of any US citizen deaths.  We must emphasize that a number of US citizens remain unaccounted for and the Kingdom of Belgium has not yet released nationality information for reported fatalities."

While thronesniffers like MSNBC’s Chris Matthews and Mika Brzezinski urged the dancing fool to return home human rights protesters in the host country of Argentina are sick of him demanding that he leave their country as they burned American flags.

The protesters accuse America of backing dictatorial regimes during the Cold War in South America, including in Argentina, and hold the US responsible for the thousands who died or disappeared under their rule in what became known as “The Dirty War.

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