Wednesday, March 23, 2016

“Well Ya See, Norm, It’s Like This…”

He didn’t even campaign in Arizona.  According to polling results (92.4% reporting) he garnered a paltry 62,444 votes. Rubio had a better showing and he dropped out of the race the week before.

The mailman’s son topped Donald Trump in Utah.  With 85.4% reporting, Kasich grabbed 29,015 votes compared to Trump’s 23,984 votes.  Cruz blistered them both with a commanding 69.2% of the votes.

Kasich’s decision to stay in a race in which he has so far failed to make a mark outside his home state of Ohio led National Review editor Rich Lowry to say, “Kasich is playing a selfish and delusional role.” 
In Ohio, Kasich campaigned with Mitt Romney, who urged voters to cast their ballots for the governor as part of a Stop Trump strategy.  A week later, he abandoned Kasich in Utah’s contest making robocalls on behalf of Cruz declaring that a vote for Kasich was a vote for Trump.

Of course Romney’s disgraceful tactic is a moot point at this juncture since Kasich has already been mathematically eliminated.

Kasich has turned his attention to Wisconsin which will award 42 delegates using a hybrid system that is neither winner-take-all nor proportional. 
“Ya know Normie, I’ll talk it up down at the old Post Office. Before you know it this place will be wall to wall with letter carriers. You think I’m entertaining…multiply me by 100.”

Nope. No thanks.  Let's just return to sender. 

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