Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Bernie’s Getting A Little Cocky

Allies of Hillary are sweating bullets over polling that suggests a tightening general election match-up with Donald Trump.  Guess who they’re blaming—the 74-year-old milksop socialist Bernie Sanders. 

They say the long primary fight with the senator from Vermont looks like it could go all the way to the Democratic Convention in Philadelphia.

Sanders, speaking to The Associated Press yesterday said he had a "shot" at winning the June 7 California primary against Clinton and said, given his delegate deficit, it was "imperative" that he perform well.

"What happens if I win a major victory in California? Will people say, 'Oh, we're really enthusiastic about Hillary Clinton despite the fact that Bernie Sanders has now won whatever it may be, 25 states, half the states?'" he said.

If that happens, he added, superdelegates "may rethink that. That is why you want the process to play out."

Just this afternoon, the AP reported the Sanders campaign requested a recanvass in Kentucky’s primary where he trails Hillary by less than one-half of 1 percent of the vote.  It’s interesting to note that AP never called the race despite her slight lead just in case the old codger decided to ask for the recanvass.

Today, while at a rally in Anaheim, ol’ Bernie talked about how his campaign has gotten the youth vote motivated.

“What does it tell us?' Sanders asked.  “It tells us and it should tell the country and certainly the leadership of the Democratic Party that our ideas and our vision is the future of America,” he said.   He went on to tell supporters that a win in the Golden State could keep his bid going imploring them, “If we win California big we're going to go marching into the Democratic Convention with a lot of momentum. And if we go marching into the Democratic Convention with a lot of momentum we're going to march out with the Democratic nomination. And if we march out with the Democratic nomination, Donald Trump is toast,' Sanders concluded. 

With polls showing Trump on the verge of overtaking the Hag from Hell, Sanders can make his case even more loudly.

And just for shits and giggles, here’s a Tweet from my favorite parody account as a palate cleanser because that’s how we roll here:

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