Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Carnage In Color: Remembering D-Day, The Sixth Of June

Extraordinary photographs of the D-Day landings have been colorized to mark the 73rd anniversary of the largest seaborne invasion in history.

Brazilian artist Marina Amaral has transformed the images in remembrance of one of the turning points of World War II where experts believe 4,400 allied troops lost their lives.

Each image has been created following hours of research into the subject pictured, in order to make the retouching as realistic as possible.

Marina told The Sun: “I have always been fascinated by history since I was a kid, but the colorization itself came into my life in a random and unexpected way.  I was bored surfing the internet when I found a few colorized photos from the World War II in a forum.  I was using Photoshop as a hobby for many years, so I already had a sense of how the software works and what tools I should use. I tried to reproduce the atmosphere of the places and get as close as possible to what these soldiers actually saw with their own eyes.”

“The generation of World War II is almost all gone, so I think it is extremely important to rescue these photos through a process that interests the new generation. So maybe people will be able to better understand what happened.”

I am reposting a video that deeply touches my heart—a little boy who wanted to thank all the Americans who died in the fight against fascism and pure evil.  Wait for the 5-minute mark to see who joined his silent vigil.

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