Thursday, June 29, 2017

CNN’s Mission Statement

AT&T will look to “neutralize” CNN President Jeff Zucker after it buys Time Warner, The New York Post has learned.

CNN is being slammed for highly publicized stumbles which have made the cable news network too polarizing for executives at the blue chip corporation AT&T according to sources with knowledge of the pending merger.

The network is staggering after a brutal stretch that has seen two hosts taken off-air, one story retracted and another rewritten, accusations of staged Muslim anti-ISIS protests, the resignations of three key employees, a debunked story that ex-FBI Director James Comey would refute President Trump’s claim he was not under investigation.  He confirmed Trump’s claim and most recently, an ongoing series of undercover videos meant to portray CNN as misleading the public about the Trump-Russia stories that have dominated media coverage of President Trump and his administration.

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