Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee Is A Blithering Idiot

Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) is a publicity hound and a blithering idiot. The Congresswoman shows up to events without an invitation, eats up time at caucus meetings with grandiose speeches, repeatedly flubs facts on the House floor and frequently adds superfluous amendments to other members' bills.  Her behavior is so grating it makes people want to tear their hair out.
In 2014, the Houston Chronicle did a piece on her in which the columnist noted “weird stories” of her erratic and abusive behavior in the workplace.
One job of her aides is to cull the obituaries. One told friends of taking her to five funerals in one day, and of hating to have to ask the families if they would allow her to speak.
In 2006, Jackson Lee told the World Meteorological Organization hurricane names should be more representative of the cultures they impact, including blacks. “The National Weather Service says hurricane names are derived from languages spoken in areas that border the Atlantic Ocean, where such storms occur. Yet that doesn’t explain why Gaston, Ernesto and Cindy were chosen and Antwon, Destiny and Latonya were passed over.”
Jackson Lee, whose district neighbors the Johnson Space Center, is a member of the House Committee on Science.  As such, she visited the Mars Pathfinder Operations Center in Pasadena, CA.  In a moment of profound ignorance, she asked whether the Pathfinder had photographed the American flag Neil Armstrong had planted on the surface of Mars.  Officials at the Center had to point out the flag was planted on the Moon.  She didn’t take being embarrassed too kindly.  She had her chief of staff pen a letter including the phrase: “You thought you could have fun with a black woman member of the Science Committee.”
Yesterday, as Republican Roy Moore lost to Democrat Doug Jones, the world class numbnut congratulated “Doug Moore” on his stunning upset.  People noticed her grandiose stupidity:
How do the people of Texas’s 18th Congressional District continue to tolerate this mental midget?

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