Friday, December 22, 2017

It’s A Monster!

As the death grip the Democrat Party has held on America begins to fade into nothingness, House Minority Leader Nancy Palsi, er, Pelosi denounced the GOP tax reform bill in hair-on-fire theatrics comparing it to Armageddon in early December. 
When the bill was passed on Wednesday, she escalated her bombast by insisting the bill would hurt children like Tiny Tim in the Charles Dickens Christmas classic A Christmas Carol.
As the sun rose in the eastern sky the following day, the disoriented shrew doubled down on her scaremongering fearing the image she had cast of little Timmy was too benign.  Yes. Yes, Nancy.  Whip out the scary things that go bump in the night.
"It's a monster–a Frankenstein–and anybody who's familiar with Frankenstein knows it was a creation, a monster that was created. Do you know the ending of Mary Shelley's story? The monster comes back to destroy," she added.
It is clear to this writer that Nancy doesn’t like to read.  Not even Cliffs Notes.  Not even the Affordable Care Act.  Remember the infamous line, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.”
Dr. Victor Frankenstein was the mad doctor who created a grotesque creature not unlike Nancy.  She screwed up the climactic end.  Poor thing.

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